HIIT the New Year Hard : 30-Day Challenge

I am excited to announce my 30-day fitness challenge! I am launching it for January because I know one of the biggest resolutions people make for the new year is to get fit and healthy. It is also the kickoff for my website! I am going to create a daily high intensity workout you can complete in under 20 minutes. One of the things I am hoping to show you by doing this is that you don’t need to workout for an hour to see results. I guarantee you will see more results by doing these daily exercises than you would if you did an hour of cardio on the treadmill or elliptical. 

HIIT also helps you maintain your sanity by getting you done with cardio quicker. Since its such a simple concept — go at maximum effort for a short period of time followed by a recovery time and repeat — You can perform the exercises with no equipment and implement it no matter how busy of a lifestyle you may have. Another benefit is that you boost your metabolism for 24-48 hours after the workout!

I would love for you to join me for the next 30 days and once this challenge is complete, hangout with me on my website where I am going to share weekly exercises and tips! If you’re just getting into fitness, the key to success lies in doing the right moves, at your own pace. Listen to your body, modify as needed, and complete each movement with proper form. 

If you have any questions please feel free to email me directly at: [email protected]