Gummy Bears – Post Workout!!!

When you workout intensely, your muscles experience small micro tears. Every time a muscle is torn and repaired, it gets a little larger. The carb/protein combination is crucial to restore depleted energy and help your body start the recovery process.

After our workout, we have to replenish the glycogen that was exerted during that time. My favorite way to do this is by gummy bears! They contain Dextrose which is immediately injected into the bloodstream.

Since you just got done with an intense workout, your body is still using energy so the sugar from the gummy bears is used right away instead of storing it as fat

Gummy bears alone will not do the trick, I usually have 15-20 gummies and I also pair it with a protein shake until I am able to get home to have a meal.

I also love eating gummy bears after an intense sweat sesh because there are times where I feel completely wiped out after my workout and maybe light headed if I didn’t eat enough before. Refueling with Gummy bears gives me an immediate boost and helps me feel rejuvenated!

Fast digesting carbs come in different sources but with this you get to satisfy a craving and it also helps prevent you from eating a bunch of crap once you get home and you’re also still getting the benefits!