Mexico – Riviera Maya – Travel Checklist!

Planning a trip to Mexico for an all inclusive? This travel checklist will help cover all the essentials!   Swimsuit cover up- I definitely wore my suit around the beach area but unless you want extra stares, it helps to bring a cover up while grabbing food or looking at shops, and even walking down from the room. Backpack- A …

Gummy Bears – Post Workout!!!

When you workout intensely, your muscles experience small micro tears. Every time a muscle is torn and repaired, it gets a little larger. The carb/protein combination is crucial to restore depleted energy and help your body start the recovery process. After our workout, we have to replenish the glycogen that was exerted during that time. My favorite way to do …

Free Weights VS Machines

What is the most effective way to train- Free weights or machines? Free Weights Free weights refer to dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells. They create more muscle activation and are the basis of a good strength training regimen. When you are using free weights you have to stabilize the weight to keep it controlled, which forces you to use other muscles …

Where Do I Start?

Beginner tips on where to start the path to being healthy?! 🍎⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ✔ Get rid of junk food! Having junk food in the house when you are trying to make a change makes it harder to stick to a healthier diet. Cutting things that are fatty, sugary, greasy will hugely help with your initial fat loss. Pop is a …

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is great at healing skin conditions such as burns & eczema. Aloe is very soothing and full of antioxidants which promote a strong immune system and the polysaccharides in the gel also have anti-inflammatory qualities. This means it can help prevent the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections. You can use aloe to help with irritable bowel …

Baked Cinnamon and Coconut Sweet Potato

Carbohydrates provide you with energy for your workouts and help you recover afterwards. They are a very important macronutrient in bodybuilding. Good carbs aid with kidney, brain, muscle and nervous system function. They are also tasty, versatile and easy to prepare, making them the ideal bodybuilding food. Sweet Potatoes are one of my favorite carbs to add in my diet. …

The 7 Basic Human Movements

Working at a gym I find that many people who join are confused on what they should be doing once they walk through the doors. They feel overwhelmed with the equipment and are unsure what exercises they should perform. I always tell them that they should first focus on mastering the basics so they build a good foundation and keep …