HIIT the New Year Hard : Day 5

  • Always warm up for a few minutes before doing these exercises.
  • Do each exercise for 45 seconds.
  • Rest 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you are a beginner you may rest longer)
  • Repeat circuit 3 times for a total of 15 minutes.
  • Listen to your body, and increase the frequency and intensity of interval training sessions gradually as the body adapts. Everyone’s fitness level is different so it is important not to overdo it. Take rest days when needed.
  1. Switch Kicks
  2. Spiderman Climbs
  3. Pike Push-ups
  4. Side to Side Lateral Jumps
  5. Plank



Switch Kicks:

Standing straight up, alternatively kick each leg out in front of you as high as you can. The key is not to stop between each kick. 

Modify: Jog in place.



Spiderman Climbs:

Start in a push up position keeping your abs braced for the entire exercise. Bring your right foot up towards your right hand, feeling the stretch. Return to push up position and repeat with left leg.



Diamond Pike Push-ups:

Begin in push-up position with hands in a wide diamond (fingers pointing towards eachother). Bend at the waist, lifting hips up and coming onto toes (walk them in a bit if needed) so body forms upside-down “V”. Bend elbows to lower head toward hands. Press back up.

Modify: Do regular push-ups or push-ups on your knees.



Side to Side lateral jumps:

Get into a squat position and quickly push upward and sideways to land softly on opposite side. Repeat this back and forth jumping. Keep your hips and shoulders square and facing forward.




Get into push-up position on the floor. Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly underneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position keeping your core tight the entire time to prevent your back from collapsing