Baked Cinnamon and Coconut Sweet Potato

Carbohydrates provide you with energy for your workouts and help you recover afterwards. They are a very important macronutrient in bodybuilding. Good carbs aid with kidney, brain, muscle and nervous system function.

They are also tasty, versatile and easy to prepare, making them the ideal bodybuilding food.

Sweet Potatoes are one of my favorite carbs to add in my diet. Although they are sweet tasting, their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream. This helps to ensure a balanced source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain.

Keeping a low glycemic level is great for weight loss because less insulin is being released in the body. Insulin is a hormone that can make it hard to lose weight. Having a lower glycemic level also helps the food burn up more slowly in the body which promotes more sustained energy. In order to get the lowest glycemic index from a sweet potato, its’ best if you boil them. 

Sweet potatoes are also rich in Fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, Potassium, magnesium.

When following a bodybuilding diet or regular diet, variety is the key. Eating the same foods day in and day out can become tedious and make you feel discouraged about eating to improve your physique. Switch up your regular carb sources and try to have a mixture of oatmeal, whole-grain bread, brown rice, and sweet potatoes to make your diet more interesting. Here is a yummy way to dress up sweet potatoes and add some flavor.


Baked Cinnamon and sweet potatoes

Prep Time: 5-10 Minutes.
Cook Time:  25-30 Minutes at 420 degrees.
2-3 organic sweet potatoes/yams
1/4 Natural raw shredded coconut
Cinnamon (To taste)
Sea Salt (To taste)
Olive Oil


Wash the sweet potatoes, dice them up and you may leave the skin on. 

Spread  the sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet covered with tinfoil

Sprinkle olive oil lightly over the diced sweet potatoes- Mix around to distribute evenly. 

During the broiling part be sure to keep an eye on it because it can burn quickly. You want the slightly crispy taste.

Enjoy! 🙂

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