HIIT the New Year Hard : Day 2

  • Do each exercise for 45 seconds.
  • Rest 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you are a beginner you may rest longer)
  • Repeat circuit 3 times for a total of 15 minutes.
  • Listen to your body, and increase the frequency and intensity of interval training sessions gradually as the body adapts. Everyone’s fitness level is different so it is important not to overdo it. Take rest days when needed.
  1. Push-up with hand reach
  2. Squat Heel Tap
  3. Russian kicks
  4. Walking push-ups side to side
  5. High Knees



Push-up with hand reach:

Begin to perform a push-up, and as you come up, reach one of your hands out in front of your body, maintaining a straight line. Return to starting position and repeat with the other side.

To modify this exercise do regular push-ups or push-ups on your knees.



Squat Heel Tap:

Begin with feet slightly wider than your hips, bend your knees, and, keeping your weight in your heels, squat. Jump as high as you can and tap your feet together in the air. Land quietly back into a squat and repeat.

Modify: Do squat jumps with no heel tap or just do squats.



Russian Kicks:

Sit down in the crab position. The body weight is on the hands. Brace your abs and alternate your legs kicking in the air. Don’t let your butt touch the ground.

Modify: Start with a lower speed and without jumping, slowly alternate lifting your legs in the air.



Walking push-ups:

Start in push-up position. Go down into a push-up. When you come up walk one hand and leg to the side keeping your core engaged. Bring your other hand and leg back over into the starting position. Do another push-up and keep repeating.

Modify: Start in push-up position, walking side to side, eliminating the actual push-up.



High Knees:

Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Jump from one foot to the other at the same time lifting your knees as high as possible, hip height is recommended. The arms should be following the motion. Touch the ground with the balls of your feet.

Modify: March in place