HIIT the New Year Hard : Day 3

  • Always warm up for a few minutes before doing these exercises.
  • Do each exercise for 45 seconds.
  • Rest 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you are a beginner you may rest longer)
  • Repeat circuit 3 times for a total of 15 minutes.
  • Listen to your body, and increase the frequency and intensity of interval training sessions gradually as the body adapts. Everyone’s fitness level is different so it is important not to overdo it. Take rest days when needed.
  1. Squat Jacks
  2. Bicycle Crunches
  3. Lunge hops with right leg
  4. Lunge hops with left leg
  5. High Knees



Squat Jacks:

Jump your feet out to the sides, maintaining the squat position. Quickly jump your feet back together. Don’t let your knees go past your toes. If you can, keep your hands up by your ears. If that is uncomfortable, you can lower your arms in prayer position in front of your chest.



Bicycle Crunches:

Lie flat on the floor with fingertips behind your ears. Bring knees up to where they are perpendicular to the floor.  Slowly go through a cycle pedal motion kicking forward with the right leg and bringing in the knee of the left leg towards your opposite elbow.



Single leg lunge jump:

Start in a lunge position. Jump up with your left leg, raising your right knee to hip level. 



Single leg lunge jump:

Start in a lunge position. Jump up with your right leg, raising your left knee to hip level.



High Knees:

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart. Jump from one foot to the other at the same time lifting your knees as high as possible, hip height is recommended. The arms should be following the motion. Touch the ground with the balls of your feet.

Modify: March in place