Top 5 Cable Core Exercises

Here are some ab exercises you can try on the cable machine next time you are at the gym!

Cable Tuck Reverse Crunch:
Connect a rope to the cable machine.
You’re going to use a mat and lie back and grab the rope with both hands.
Then pull the rope forward in a crunching motion as you bring your knees in towards your abs.

Cable V up:
Lie flat on a mat
Then pull the cable forward and separate the rope as your legs come up.
You will be working some of your arms with this exercise as well.
But always make sure to keep your core engaged the entire time.
Cable scissors:
Lie back on a mat and grab the rope
Keep your arms extended the entire time while scissoring your legs back and forth
Go slow and controlled and you will definitely feel the burn!

Weighted Cable Crunch:
Attach a rope to the cable machine on the top setting.
Get down on your knees facing the cable machine.
Grab the rope and lower it until your hands are at the side of your head
From there, you’re going to crunch your body and bring your elbows down towards your knees.
You want to inhale as you come up and exhale as you come down and contract your abs.

Standing cable baseball swing:
Attach a handle to about head height on the cable machine
Grab the handle and distance yourself a little from the cable machine
Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and your feet are going to point in the direction that you are facing
Keep your arms fully extended during this entire exercise And pull the handle across your body to your opposite side.
You want to rotate through your trunk and keep a slight bend in your knees.
You want to perform this exercise in a controlled matter.
You don’t need a lot of weight for this.
If you’re struggling to move the handle or if you can only move it slowly, then the weight is too heavy.