10 Plank Variations

Plank Challenge!!!

Follow along with me! 🙂

Forearm Plank (low plank):

Starting from standard plank position, lower yourself until you’re resting on your forearms. Keep forearms parallel to each other with hands flat on the ground or clasped together like I am.

Rocking Plank:

From a basic plank, rock forward on your toes until your shoulders move past your hands. Then push your shoulders backward until your heels extend beyond your toes. Move slowly and controlled.

Plank with shoulder Taps:

From a plank position, reach your right hand to touch your left shoulder. Put it back down and repeat with your left hand tapping your right shoulder. Try not to let your hips sway side to side as you move. This will keep the focus on a tight and stable core.

Walking Plank:

Start in plank position. Slowly lower your right arm down to your forearm then bring your left arm down as well so you are now supported by your forearms. Then place your right hand on the ground and begin to push your body back up, followed by your left hand. Repeat.

Side Plank:

Starting in plank position, bring your legs together until your heels touch. Lean to your left while lifting your right arm up toward the ceiling or rest it on your hip until you are balanced.

Side plank mermaid raise:

Get into a side plank position. Drop your bottom hip toward the ground. Then lift your hip up as high as you can and repeat.

Single arm plank:

Start in standard plank position. Slowly lift your right arm, extending it out in front of you. Keep your back flat and try not to tilt your hips. Repeat with your left arm.

Single-leg Plank:

Start in a plank position. Lift one leg up behind you, keeping your body flat and both the extended and supporting legs straight. Repeat on the other side.

Plank Toe Taps:

If jumping is too tough, you can always start by walking your legs out one at a time.

Plank Jacks:

Start in a plank with your legs together. Jump your feet out as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack. Jump feet back together.